Three things that define who I am or things that I
have is my contacts, hair, and accessories. I say my contacts because I’ve been
wearing them since my sophomore year in high school every since I started
modeling and I also think I look different when I wear my glasses and when I
wear my contacts. Wearing my contacts kind of makes me feel a little more
confident just because you can see the features in my face more and I feel
glasses hides my eyes and to me that is one of the features on me that I really
love. The second thing that defines me is my hair. Whether it is real or fake I
truly enjoy changing up my look and having fun with the different hair styles I
chose. Wearing my real is okay, I don’t have a problem with it but it is so
much fun to wear my hair curly, straight, long, short, with color added etc.
That is a part of my personality, which me to says I do like change and don’t mind
change. I like to be different and switch my style up a bit and I don’t mind
any of that at all! The last thing would be my accessories, things that I enjoy
to wear with any outfit. As a person into fashion accessories are a big thing
and I’ve wearing jewelry since I was young and it shows people that I like to
dress up and spice up my look. I am very casual most of the time so adding
jewelry is fun and depended on how much accessories I had it is all about
stepping out your comfort zone and trying new things even when you don’t think
it may look good on you. Those things define me and make me happy!
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