Gaming has been a big money maker for a long time and throughout the years there has been some major issues in this industry and some major successes as well. PlayStation four is definitely a cash cow that keeps on progressing in the market share. Ben Lamoreux says "Demands for PlayStation four remains incredibly strong in the U.S. as it was number one in hardware and software sales in February according to the latest NPD report." When PlayStation four came out the hype about the PlayStation was really intense, people were excited about this. As for the PlayStation Super Slim it was low in the market share and in growth rates. Although they wanted to make money they were cutting the prices tremendously and in return that didn't succeed when they made that chose. It was basically the same as the originally but didn't offer any major improvements. Michael Pachter said "at this point in terms of competing at the cycle and in terms of driving mind share, I don't think customers are interested in the prettiest console they can find, but rather the one that has the best value." Now for Xbox it was a console that did really well. The growth rates were high and increase by eighty one percent in sales in May 2014. The method they chose was to drop the prices and more people would buy. For the Xbox 360 they didn't do so well, they were low in the Boston consulting group. People were more interested in other gaming consoles like the ps4, yet they did out sell Nintendo their failure rates were the highest for gaming consoles. Since Xbox 360 out sold Nintendo you can tell that Nintendo didn't do so well either. Nowadays people do everything on their phone and everyone can agree it is just easier that way. They are trying to find different methods to bring back Nintendo for the modern day. Peter Warman says, "It took them a long time, but Nintendo finally realized that the $30 billion dollar mobile gaming market in 2015 is too big to be ignored." All these gaming consoles face issues and successes but its all about finding ways to get people to buy and enjoy!
Ben March 2015.
Trent Sept 2012.
John Warman.19 March 2015.
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