Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week 3 EOC: Making Money For Good

The for profit company that gives back to their community is Burt’s Bee. Burt’s Bee is a company that started selling lip balm but now has branched out and are selling more items such as lotion, lip gloss, creams and more natural skin products. Burt Shavitz products went global in 1999 and they moved from Maine to North Carolina to focus on expanding their business further for their health and beauty care line. Burt’s Bee is all about natural health and the well-being of each individual around the world. It wasn’t until 2007 till they realize they can do a good deed and start non-profit organization called Burt’s Bee Greater Good Foundation. On they say “at Burt’s Bee their goal is to help create a world where people have their information and tools they need to make the highest ethical choices and do the best for themselves, their families and the environment.” They are bringing positivity and are ultimately inspiring others to give back to their communities as well. The Greater Good Foundation is ran by volunteer employees who help build houses all around North Carolina. “We have a triple bottom line: people, profit, planet, you can’t have one without the other two. So when we look after our own we mean everybody: our employees, our customers, our families, ourselves.” They really love the idea of humans looking after each other and spreading human support. Burt’s Bee has partnered with other organizations such as the Inter-faith food shuttle, The John Avery boys and girls club, Habitat for humanity and lots more to reach not only their community but other communities that value their hard work and dedication. The Burt’s Bee has done so much over the years and I know they will continue to pay it forward to others. “Burt’s Bee donated $233,000 to 23 nonprofit organizations and pledges to donate at least 10% of all website revenues to its selected well-being partners.” They are truly an amazing organization and deserve all the success!

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