The Generation I was born into was the Millennial (Generation
Y) which is the youngest out of all the generations and are between the years
1980-2000. This generation is all about technology, they are racially diverse
and there are 80 million in the U.S which is the largest than any other
demographic group.
Less wealth, more debt
Recession- our age group are more likely to move
back in with parents because of financial difficulties
Dependent- Rely on parents; this can be because
they are privileged and they have financial support.
Less economically successful- Due to lack of
Technology distractions- wrapped up in things
that are both good and bad like social media, new gadgets.
*In my opinion some of these points are valid just because
how society is today, teens are into the latest phones, parents still take care
of their children even if they are young adults, school is not affordable for
some people so everyone doesn’t get a chance to go to college. Although those points may be valid this generation
stands up for what they believe in and we all have different values.
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