Monday, September 14, 2015


My objective is to give all customers a great experience for the short amount of time they will be encountered with my business. Because it’s just a mobile kitchen I have to be extra awesome so that they will have a memorable experience that they will tell other people about. Usually on Las Vegas Blvd it is a lot of tourist and they want their food right away and sometimes they do not get the full experience they should all get. My objective is to offer an experience that the customers have never seen before in a short period of time while I have the chance. “For companies interested in delighting customers’ exceptional value and service become part of the overall company culture.” My objective is to let my objective be obvious to the customers I am attending to. Once they buy something they should automatically feel like they are getting the proper service that they need and having a blast while doing eating! I want the customers feel like the people in the business are engaging with them and not just trying to make money off them. When we start a business everyone’s main goal is to make money but when you take the time to interact with the people who are giving you the money and actually enjoying the food and surroundings it means a lot more to the owners and they will take pride it that and be very appreciative. “To differentiate their offers beyond simply making products and delivering services, they are creating and managing customer experiences with their brands or company.” Again my objective to give great service to customers and for their time to memorable to the point where they take the time to put my business on social media or to take the time to say thank you or even just come back for more!

Armstrong and Kotler (2011). Marketing: Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing

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